This item is selling as a factory sealed case, we won't accept request to open the case and ship individual box.
Each Box contains Five Autographs, Three Base or Base Parallels, and One Silver Insert, Gold Insert, Or Stainless Stars (non-auto)!
Impeccable makes its return to the hardwood for 2022-23 NBA Season!
Find on-card autographed memorabilia cards of the top 2022-23 Rookies in the Elegance Rookie Jersey Autographs set!
Look for the popular and rare themed Autograph Insert sets, which are numbered to a player's jersey number, draft pick spot, or a specific player's stat!
Search for non-auto and autograph versions of Stainless Stars with parallels numbered to low as 1!
Chase after rare and randomly inserted cards made with real silver and gold bars!
ROOKIE AUTOGRAPHS: Collect On-Card Autographs of the top rookies!
ELEGANCE ROOKIE JERSEY AUTOGRAPHS: Collect On-Card Autographs of the top rookies including Rookie Patch Autographs in Elegance Rookie Jersey Autographs!
ELEGANCE VETERAN JERSEY AUTOGRAPHS: Search for unique Autograph Inserts from cards being numbered to player jersey numbers to a Championship themed autograph set!
IMPECCABLE CHAMPIONSHIP SIGNATURES: Search for unique Autograph Inserts from cards being numbered to player jersey numbers to a Championship themed autograph set!
IMPECCABLE JERSEY NUMBER AUTOGRAPHS: Search for unique Autograph Inserts from cards being numbered to player jersey numbers to a Championship themed autograph set!
STAINLESS STARS: Collect the popular Stainless Stars set, in non-auto and auto versions, including a variety of parallels numbered to as low as 1!
GOLD NBA LOGO/SILVER DRAFT LOGO: Look for cards made with Real Silver or Real Gold randomly inserted in boxes!
3 Boxes Per Case, 1 Pack Per Box, 9 Cards Per Pack